Hindu rituals on the Ganga River in Haridwar and Rishikesh

First glimpse of the mighty Ganga River

The day you have realization, you suddenly find that everything within has become wordless and silent.

– Osho

Hindu rituals on the Ganga River

Three wonderful days in Haridwar, a sensory overload of sights, sounds and smells. I climbed two majestic mountains to visit commercialized temples, but the true treasure was the vistas of the Ganga and the start of the Himalayas that they offered.

As I journeyed down the road to Rishikesh, I was eager to find a quiet spot to meditate, but was disappointed to find that the city, despite being known for its yoga culture, was overrun with Hindu rituals everywhere.

When asked why he spoke so little in life, Calvin Coolidge replied, “Whenever I spoke, I got in trouble. Then I realized that no difficulty comes if one does not speak.”

Entering the Himalayas

But, I found solace in climbing to a waterfall and sticking my head under the fall, feeling the sensation of the fresh, cold water wash over me. I wrote Uttarkashi on the back of a card and now I’m officially in the Himalayas. I am loving the cool, crisp air and endless mountain vistas. The mountains are a sight to behold, a powerful reminder of the grandeur of nature and the smallness of man.

“Hardly one word of what you speak is in tune with your mind, with your nature: let the rest of it drop. Let all lies disappear.”

“In this world, those who have truly made penetrating journeys have always turned all would-be hindrances into stepping stones. It all depends on you.”

“Whenever a person experiences truth, the truth is so vast, when the same person begins to express that truth in words, it shrinks.”

“A long talk is only given by a person who does not know how to talk.”

“May I use the mind only when something needs expression.”

Amidst the hustle and bustle of Rishikesh, I found a moment of peace and clarity, a reminder that sometimes the journey is more important than the destination. The waterfall was a sanctuary, a place to escape the chaos of the world and find serenity. And now, in the Himalayas, I am surrounded by tranquility, the cool air and endless vistas filling my soul with contentment.